Friday, September 25, 2015

HER by Michael James Kaiser

HER by Michael James Kaiser
HER is Michael James Kaiser's second book. It features poetry and lyrics that are an ode to women. Every creation deals with some aspect of love and will no doubt touch your heart in some way. There is beauty, happiness and warmth, longing and heartache, and everything in between that love brings forth. 

A beautiful and often lyrical flow makes the pieces even more memorable and enjoyable. It comes as no surprise then that a number of them have been turned into songs and recorded for all of us to hear. This is definitely a book worth reading and adding to your collection, especially since the album will soon be released. 

Tales and Whispers by Régis Auffray

Tales and Whispers by Régis Auffray
Tales and Whispers is Régis Auffray's fourth book. This one is a collection of short stories and personal quotes. 

The stories are quite interesting and will have you not want to put the book down. The only downside is that some stories are written in French, so if French is not something you are fluent in, you might have to skip those and move on to others. Even so, there are plenty of stories written in English for you to enjoy so don't stop yourself from getting the book because it has some French pieces in it. 

The personal quotes, all written in English, are beautiful, inspirational and leave a lasting impression on the reader. There is definitely some food for thought in what he writes. 

Right now the book is available exclusively at but will be available online on Amazon and Barnes and Noble soon. To peek inside the book and perhaps purchase a copy head here: Tales and Whispers on Amazon.